91.   The munitions, which were declared illegal in an international treaty, are stored at seven sites.

92.   The NLD said recently it would convene parliament on its own, prompting the military to warn that its leaders would be arrested and the party declared illegal.

93.   The report criticized the establishment of military courts in southern Sindh province, which have since been declared illegal by the Pakistan Supreme court.

94.   The party has emerged recently as an assembly point for neo-Nazis whose groups have been declared illegal.

95.   The rallies, which the government declared illegal, were organized by the National Convention Assembly, an umbrella group for opposition figures, clerics and human rights activists.

96.   The two-day strike, the second in less than four weeks, was declared illegal by the managements of a dozen banks that were affected.

97.   The strike, backed by no major union, has been declared illegal.

98.   The U.N. board works with governments to determine what drugs should be declared illegal.

99.   The war in Chechnya, which the Russian parliament has declared illegal, has killed thousands of people and sharply divided public opinion.

100.   Ties were never declared illegal, but they virtually disappeared from public view after the revolution.

v. + illegal >>共 14
make 57.84%
declare 21.49%
consider 7.59%
deem 5.01%
call 2.58%
find 2.58%
judge 0.81%
keep 0.65%
label 0.32%
pronounce 0.32%
declare + a. >>共 313
dead 9.06%
bankrupt 7.87%
unconstitutional 6.69%
illegal 6.55%
ineligible 4.58%
invalid 3.10%
off-limits 3.05%
ready 3.00%
unfit 2.76%
eligible 2.56%
每页显示:    共 132