91.   By Wednesday evening, military data indicated little Serb army movement around the camp.

92.   Charles Butler, director of the Japan Steel Information Center, said the data indicates that the industry is healthy and that concerns about foreign competition are overblown.

93.   Charles Butler, president of the Japan Steel Information Center, said the data indicate that imports have stabilized.

94.   Data had indicated that the economy was no longer shrinking, though it had yet to attain steady growth.

95.   Data indicate ... that black applicants often fail to get loans their white counterparts receive even if their credit ratings are identical.

96.   Data indicates the printer is processing information while attention indicates that an action is required.

97.   Despite the recent cases, interior ministry data published Thursday indicated that fewer people from poorer countries are coming to Germany.

98.   Economics Minister Guenther Rexrodt said the data indicated that the economy was gaining strength.

99.   Federal data indicate that more than half of Canadians are already exposed to unacceptable levels of ground-level ozone during summer months.

100.   Greg Mastel, an economist with the New America Foundation, said the data indicates that anti-dumping lawsuits are having an impact.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
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datum 1.52%
datum + v. >>共 404
be 27.19%
show 12.07%
suggest 5.96%
indicate 4.53%
come 2.45%
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provide 1.61%
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