91.   But he admitted the crushing defeat was a body blow to the tourists.

92.   But the crushing defeats which followed, when the Grand Prix circus arrived in Europe, gave a better indication of his true form.

93.   Following the crushing defeats, the KNU switched its military tactics to exclusively guerrilla warfare.

94.   The rain served only to save Sri Lanka a crushing defeat.

95.   The Tories suffered crushing defeats in local and European elections last year.

96.   Their crushing defeat could raise talk of a party leadership challenge to Prime Minister John Major, although Tory leaders said party rules precluded such a contest before November.

97.   The World Cup represents a lifeline but poor publicity from crushing defeats to South Africa and Australia could have the opposite affect.

98.   Labour candidates suffered a crushing defeat on Thursday in by-elections in Cork.

99.   Lacroix is expected to be one of three to six players dropped for the last Five Nations Championship match away to Ireland following crushing defeats to England and Scotland.

100.   Mawhinney blamed the crushing defeat on poor voter turnout and said things would be different in a general election.

a. + defeat >>共 429
humiliating 5.75%
straight 5.46%
first 4.70%
second 4.54%
crushing 3.62%
consecutive 3.58%
electoral 2.99%
third 2.53%
fourth 2.04%
military 1.97%
crushing + n. >>共 246
defeat 15.11%
blow 9.89%
debt 4.40%
loss 4.26%
disappointment 3.16%
victory 3.02%
poverty 2.61%
burden 1.92%
soybean 1.65%
election 1.51%
每页显示:    共 109