91.   The bankruptcy court filing by Paragon is part of a long-running patent-infringement case over leak-proof diapers.

92.   The clinic owner has denied allegations of wrongdoing in court filings.

93.   The daughters, in court filings, still describe their father as a wild and willful speculator.

94.   The court filing, for the first time, outlined possible problem areas under antitrust laws that are the focus of the Justice Department probe.

95.   The court filing, written by Laurence Lessig, a legal scholar and software expert, came at the request of Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson.

96.   The department acknowledged in a court filing that a senior department official, Alan Gershel, had spoken to a reporter for the Star-Ledger for the article.

97.   The court filing was thick with deposition quotations from Clinton denying sexual liaisons with a number of women, notably Monica Lewinsky.

98.   The court filings at the weekend confirmed for the first time that the defendant was struggling with his lawyers.

99.   The employees made their statements in sealed court filings that were opened late Friday.

100.   The flurry of court filings marked a day of legal and public relations maneuvering as the two candidates showed few signs of easing up on the post-election wrangling.

n. + filing >>共 88
bankruptcy 48.41%
court 23.48%
tax 3.62%
government 1.59%
campaign 1.45%
company 1.30%
iron 0.87%
security 0.87%
week 0.72%
insolvency 0.58%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
filing 0.93%
每页显示:    共 161