91.   The youth group had its own program, including a celebration for convention delegates who had just graduated from high school.

92.   They carried tourists and wedding parties and convention delegates out for a margarita spree.

93.   They will see upscale restaurants, displaying banners welcoming convention delegates.

94.   Voters in this state do not register by party, which conflicts with the desire by party officials to have party members choose convention delegates.

95.   What they forgot was that the bylaws of both national parties prohibit the selection of presidential convention delegates in primaries that are open to all voters.

96.   While the protesters chanted, danced, and drummed, convention delegates peered down from windows in the Hynes, many wondering what the fuss was about.

97.   Yet, unlike many other business groups, the group sent representatives to meet convention delegates in Chicago -- just as they did in San Diego.

98.   Yet FFA convention delegates have been known for their lack of adolescent rambunctiousness.

99.   Also, in New York, there is no popular vote for Republican candidates and ballots are cast only for prospective convention delegates.

100.   Before George W. Bush accepts the Republican nomination for president Thursday night, convention delegates had better pray.

n. + delegate >>共 86
convention 29.17%
conference 13.19%
government 6.94%
woman 3.94%
trade 3.47%
rebel 2.78%
summit 2.55%
youth 2.31%
alliance 2.08%
assembly 2.08%
convention + n. >>共 359
hall 12.88%
floor 9.07%
delegate 7.99%
speech 4.82%
site 3.11%
planner 2.73%
business 2.28%
organizer 2.09%
coverage 1.78%
speaker 1.59%
每页显示:    共 125