91.   The sport also tends to be handed down through families or adopted by people who grew up close to tracks, which can keep the ranks closed.

92.   The United States, in the name of advancing democracy, closed ranks with anti-communist tyrants in Asia and Latin America.

93.   They close ranks.

94.   This instinct to close ranks behind a wall of silence can only compound the shame of the original outrageous behavior.

95.   Those familiar with the Andover community say it is not surprising that people here would quickly close ranks.

96.   Today, of course, access-controlling gatekeepers close ranks around the stars while people gossip about the sex lives of pols.

97.   To get legislators from the ruling coalition to close ranks, Prime Minister Alain Juppe has called for a confidence vote today before budget discussions open.

98.   Under apartheid, the wine industry closed ranks, clinging to the old ways.

99.   Were Parisians really closing ranks around the humbled emperor?

100.   With the future of the power station and the prosperity of Buffalo hanging in the balance, the city fathers close ranks to protect their investment and prerogatives.

v. + rank >>共 220
break 20.47%
join 18.53%
close 11.12%
hold 4.68%
swell 3.36%
fill 2.79%
thin 2.11%
have 1.94%
attain 1.60%
split 1.37%
close + n. >>共 625
market 11.40%
door 5.73%
eye 5.34%
gap 3.72%
school 3.27%
office 3.14%
border 2.68%
airport 2.29%
road 2.16%
plant 2.04%
rank 1.14%
每页显示:    共 194