91.   More measured reaction came from other members of the church hierarchy in France.

92.   Mrugacz said Solopan wanted to avoid scandal by inviting church hierarchy to preview screenings.

93.   No member of the church hierarchy will be present, and the requiem will be said by a respected, but local, priest.

94.   Nevertheless, the speech set off alarms within the church hierarchy, which supports only natural birth control methods.

95.   Not all the movies selected present flattering portraits of Catholics and members of the church hierarchy.

96.   Representatives of the leftist government and church hierarchy met Wednesday to discuss five draft bills interpreting controversial provisions of the treaty.

97.   She founded an order of nuns, battled the male church hierarchy and was briefly excommunicated by her bishop.

98.   So despite calls from rebels and members of his own church hierarchy that he end his fast, Ruiz has vowed to go on.

99.   Such rebellion did not go over well with the church hierarchy.

100.   The bill, strongly opposed by the church hierarchy in this Roman Catholic country, was being debated Tuesday by the Irish Senate.

a. + hierarchy >>共 222
church 15.62%
catholic 7.09%
party 6.96%
social 3.94%
military 3.28%
corporate 3.15%
roman_catholic 3.02%
ruling 2.10%
clerical 1.71%
rigid 1.71%
church + n. >>共 868
leader 11.30%
official 10.55%
member 6.11%
service 5.21%
group 3.49%
bell 3.09%
hierarchy 1.51%
teaching 1.51%
choir 1.24%
compound 1.23%
每页显示:    共 118