91.   Most major business transactions and many consumer sales are based on the free market exchange rate, which is set by black market currency dealers.

92.   No margin purchases and direct business transactions are allowed for Pengkalen Securities.

93.   Otherwise, asks HLL, how could any company go ahead to complete a merger, or many ordinary business transactions that might not be public?

94.   Police have yet to establish the motive for the killings although it was earlier said that it could be due to a failed business transaction.

95.   Prime Minister James Mitchell accepted the resignation of his attorney general and minister of justice, Carlyle Dougan, who is mired in debate over a questionable business transaction.

96.   Thai business leaders interviewed earlier said they would like to have a system where the baht exchange stablised to promote business transactions and investment.

97.   The announcement means that all internal Slovene business transactions will be handled in tolars and that the tolar can now be used to pay for trade with other countries.

98.   The accused men reportedly told police that their demand for money was part of a business transaction and not extortion.

99.   The agency will have access to all banking systems in the Caribbean country, enabling it to detect suspicious business transactions.

100.   The business transaction was brokered by Moustafa Eltelby, an Egyptian-born gynecologist in Vienna, Format said.

n. + transaction >>共 256
business 12.21%
cash 5.58%
currency 5.40%
security 4.60%
bank 3.81%
land 2.57%
share 2.39%
property 2.21%
drug 1.86%
credit-card 1.77%
business + n. >>共 627
leader 7.87%
group 3.08%
executive 2.64%
community 2.60%
owner 2.56%
people 2.52%
interest 2.19%
plan 1.93%
traveler 1.81%
partner 1.79%
transaction 0.40%
每页显示:    共 137