91.   While both measures could conceivably pass the House, the Smith bill would face a tougher time in the Senate and would be vetoed by President Clinton.

92.   With Clinton administration officials, state lottery representatives and religious conservatives now ganging up on it, the once-popular bill faces an uncertain future.

93.   A bill could still face stiff opposition from hereditary peers, who see it as a threat to long-standing rules about who succeeds them.

94.   Although the House has twice previously passed campaign finance legislation, McCain acknowledged the bill could face significant challenges this time.

95.   Although the House has twice previously passed campaign finance legislation, McCain acknowledged Sunday that the bill could face significant challenges there this time.

96.   Both bills face harsh resistance from opposition lawmakers.

97.   Despite the administration victory, the bill faced an uncertain future.

98.   If it passes the Duma, the bill will face a vote in the upper parliament house, the Federation Council.

99.   The bill faces a White House veto threat because of cuts to Clinton proposals for the Internal Revenue Service and some anti-terrorism programs.

100.   The bill faces stiff opposition from the Roman Catholic clergy and an increasingly powerful lobby of evangelical Christian lawmakers and other conservative deputies.

n. + face >>共 963
company 5.73%
government 3.09%
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man 1.89%
team 1.79%
industry 1.35%
woman 1.19%
winner 1.19%
president 1.08%
people 1.05%
bill 0.89%
bill + v. >>共 493
be 13.78%
pass 4.56%
go 3.95%
have 3.84%
allow 3.37%
require 3.27%
include 2.46%
make 2.41%
give 2.17%
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