91.   Land reform in Russia began under the Soviet regime, but there has been heavy opposition in the countryside, particularly from local authorities.

92.   Leftist and center-left legislators opposed the law since they are against the privatization of state companies that began under former President Sixto Duran-Ballen.

93.   Land reform began under the Soviet regime, but heavy opposition, particularly from local authorities, meant that people rarely had real control over their property.

94.   Netanyahu also said he would continue the construction of bypass roads for Jewish settlers to use in avoiding Arab towns, which were begun under the previous Labor government.

95.   New talks should begin under U.N. auspices to build a solid, effective framework to keep the fragile peace from collapsing.

96.   Once again, the weather was mild as third round play began under overcast skies with litttle wind.

97.   President Bill Clinton, by his own admission, had not given full attention to the Somalia intervention begun under his predecessor.

98.   Rain fell Friday night and into Saturday morning, and the race was begun under gloomy, gray skies.

99.   Rounds of talks begun under a previous Indian government have stalled.

100.   Solange Cordeiro de Souza took the early lead as the race began under a heavy but brief thunderstorm.

v. + under >>共 914
remain 6.49%
operate 3.74%
work 2.61%
live 2.39%
bury 1.82%
be 1.46%
hide 1.44%
lie 1.44%
play 1.36%
sell 1.33%
begin 0.50%
begin + p. >>共 57
in 32.30%
with 22.64%
on 9.34%
to 6.56%
at 6.11%
as 4.90%
by 4.44%
after 2.91%
before 1.82%
for 1.43%
under 0.59%
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