91.   But his manner earned him high image marks when he survived an assassination attempt by Basque separatists last April.

92.   But his manner earned him high marks when he survived an assassination attempt by Basque separatists last April.

93.   But Basque separatists have opposed the museum, saying it takes away funds from the Basque culture budget and is a symbol of cultural imperialism.

94.   Earlier this month, a Civil Guard officer and a town councilman were killed in separate attacks blamed on Basque separatists.

95.   ETA is the acronym used by Basque separatists responsible for terrorist attacks in Spain.

96.   El Pais said Spain wants access to high-grade sensors and communications encryption equipment for its battle against armed Basque separatists.

97.   Ex-Interior Minister Jose Barrionuevo is to be formally charged with involvement in death squad activities against Basque separatists, news reports said Tuesday.

98.   Five weeks after armed Basque separatists declared a cease-fire, regional elections have shown voters still sharply divided over creating an independent Basque state in northern Spain.

99.   Five weeks after armed Basque separatists declared a cease-fire, their allied Herri Batasuna party posted gains in regional elections Sunday.

100.   Following the decision by the court in the southwestern city of Pau, a defiant Olano said the verdict could lead to further violence by Basque separatists.

a. + separatist >>共 164
basque 14.05%
muslim 10.34%
albanian 9.72%
moslem 9.39%
ethnic 7.93%
kurdish 5.85%
tamil 5.17%
suspected 3.60%
armed 3.32%
serb 3.26%
basque + n. >>共 235
group 17.73%
separatist 11.00%
region 10.16%
country 7.57%
language 2.77%
movement 2.24%
organisation 2.16%
nationalist 2.02%
party 1.98%
town 1.80%
每页显示:    共 249