91.   Most of the Chinese journalists had never heard of Cnet and asked very basic questions about its business.

92.   Much of the backlash against the burgeoning adult entertainment industry concerns basic questions about pornography in society.

93.   On that basic question, the parties are almost as much at sixes and sevens as ever.

94.   On the more basic questions, Milberg is veering little from the path charted by Pischetsrieder.

95.   One basic question that all these companies must confront is whether readers will warm to the new forms.

96.   One would think that after half a century the world would have resolved basic questions of fact.

97.   Patriots running back Antowain Smith was saying into a cellphone Saturdaynight when an ESPN Radio interviewer asked the most basic game question.

98.   Q. A sales rep and I were making a presentation when our customer raised a pretty basic question.

99.   Resorting to lofty rhetoric about constitutional principles, lawyers argued two basic questions in the University of Wisconsin student fees case heard Tuesday by the Supreme Court.

100.   She had problems contacting doctors and getting answers to basic questions.

a. + question >>共 706
big 4.26%
same 3.23%
only 2.90%
key 2.56%
unanswered 2.40%
real 1.98%
important 1.94%
serious 1.90%
first 1.87%
tough 1.68%
basic 1.13%
basic + n. >>共 771
service 2.97%
principle 2.42%
right 1.99%
skill 1.96%
need 1.81%
commodity 1.72%
information 1.67%
research 1.60%
question 1.56%
food 1.47%
每页显示:    共 174