91.   Shaath said negotiators would also discuss next week delayed elections to a Palestinian autonomy council which will govern the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

92.   Shaath said that the participants had rejected a proposal to reserve seats for women in the autonomy council.

93.   Sticking points include PLO insistence on taking control of all West Bank towns before elections, voting arrangements and size of the autonomy council.

94.   Talks with the PLO are currently bogged down over arrangements for elections to a Palestinian autonomy council, the next stage of self-rule.

95.   The agreement details Israeli military redeployment outside Palestinian population areas on the West Bank, the handing over of civilian powers and elections to an autonomy council.

96.   The agreement is to cover an Israeli army redeployment outside Palestinian areas on the West Bank, the transfer of civil powers and elections to an autonomy council.

97.   The agreement is to detail Israeli military redeployment outside Palestinian population areas on the West Bank, the handing over of civilian powers and elections to an autonomy council.

98.   The army is due to redeploy away from Palestinian towns in the West Bank before elections to an autonomy council are held, but no date has been set.

99.   The autonomy negotiations have bogged down over the long-delayed elections to an autonomy council.

100.   The committee decided that negotiations should continue later Monday on elections to a Palestinian autonomy council which were originally scheduled for July.

n. + council >>共 295
self-rule 9.84%
district 6.76%
autonomy 6.64%
parish 4.78%
business 3.38%
borough 3.38%
policy-making 2.62%
policy 2.62%
village 2.10%
cross-border 1.86%
autonomy + n. >>共 76
accord 27.43%
agreement 19.53%
deal 9.73%
council 7.70%
talk 5.74%
negotiation 4.93%
government 2.57%
proposal 2.57%
election 2.30%
plan 2.09%
每页显示:    共 113