91.   Protests against failed investment schemes in which many Albanians had sunk their savings erupted into armed rebellion against Berisha five months ago.

92.   Protests erupted into armed rebellion last March.

93.   Public rage over failed investment schemes swelled into armed rebellion, and military arsenals were looted.

94.   Public rage over failed pyramid schemes swelled into armed rebellion, with widespread looting of military arsenals.

95.   Stanisic is also believed to have been a key figure in arming Bosnian Serbs and Croatian Serbs whose armed rebellions led to the breakup of the former Yugoslav federation.

96.   The absence of the moderate mediator Kir and his replacement by hawkish Croats spurred Serb fears of Croatian nationalism and fanned the flames of armed Serb rebellion.

97.   The balloting was intended to stop the violence that has gripped Albania for months since protests over failed high-risk investment schemes burst into armed rebellion.

98.   The congress united political, religious and ethnic groups with divergent views behind a Communist-led armed rebellion.

99.   The country slipped into lawlessness last March after protests over failed investment schemes turned into armed rebellion.

100.   The amnesty, which became effective Friday, covers crimes including high treason, mutiny, armed rebellion and conspiracy against the state.

a. + rebellion >>共 243
armed 14.24%
serb 7.32%
separatist 4.55%
military 3.46%
open 2.97%
indian 2.08%
kurdish 2.08%
violent 1.98%
anti-government 1.88%
popular 1.88%
armed + n. >>共 339
man 9.68%
group 9.62%
robbery 5.65%
police 4.76%
guard 4.75%
conflict 3.43%
soldier 3.02%
gang 2.87%
struggle 2.57%
rebel 1.85%
rebellion 1.16%
每页显示:    共 143