91.   His party is delighting in its newfound popularity after impeachment, while President Clinton is basking in impressive job approval ratings.

92.   His public approval ratings have dropped to single digits.

93.   His approval rating is at an all-time low, five members of his Cabinet have resigned and thousands of people are protesting in the streets.

94.   His approval ratings have risen sharply.

95.   His approval ratings have risen to levels none of his political advisers could have imagined this summer, when they worried he was not acting sufficiently presidential.

96.   Her job approval ratings are up and partisan attacks on her have lessened.

97.   His bottomless pool of personal charisma might as well be empty, and his high-flying public approval ratings are proving to be cold comfort.

98.   His career is littered with friends, allies and policy positions dropped in a heartbeat when they threatened his public approval ratings.

99.   His current approval ratings, according to many political analysts, rest more on fear than on a national consensus.

100.   His approval ratings at home are at historic highs, winning him accolades as a pragmatic, caring politician who avoids divisive rhetoric.

n. + rating >>共 273
approval 17.38%
television 12.88%
popularity 4.33%
poll 3.82%
debt 3.54%
risk 2.76%
bond 2.59%
job 2.08%
investment-grade 1.80%
investment 1.74%
approval + n. >>共 102
rating 39.97%
process 32.21%
procedure 2.46%
listing 1.94%
time 1.42%
rate 1.16%
requirement 1.03%
sheet 0.78%
system 0.78%
delay 0.65%
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