91.   Those who remain scramble and improvise to supplement their small monthly incomes with American dollars from relatives abroad or with tips from tourists and trades with neighbors and co-workers.

92.   To many immigrants, this is simply the cost of doing business in the United States, a temporary inconvenience made bearable by the promise of American dollars.

93.   Throughout the store, the American dollar features as both a lure and a poison, a symbol for greed, globalization and smugness.

94.   Twenty rand is the equivalent of about three American dollars.

95.   UJA money, which once accounted for the bulk of American philanthropic dollars flowing to Israel, now is considerably less.

96.   Virgin Islanders use American dollars, as do Puerto Ricans.

97.   When Jason moved here from Hong Kong to take the job last year, he agreed that his salary would be partly in American dollars, partly in Rupiahs.

98.   When the vital interests of the United States seem to be at stake, the expenditure of American dollars for foreign aid can be amply justified.

99.   Who wants to fork over perfectly useful American dollars to finance a voyage on the Titanic?

100.   While the American dollar plunged last week to post-World War II lows against the yen, frustrations grew in Japan as hopes for a bright recovery there faced away.

a. + dollar >>共 617
stronger 13.04%
strong 11.79%
weaker 6.55%
canadian 6.45%
australian 5.91%
weak 4.43%
federal 3.44%
rising 2.90%
higher 2.31%
top 2.17%
american 2.06%
american + n. >>共 1107
official 3.64%
company 2.23%
people 2.01%
flag 1.99%
troop 1.95%
soldier 1.55%
history 1.27%
citizen 1.25%
woman 1.22%
business 1.07%
dollar 0.23%
每页显示:    共 158