91.   For parents who grew up at a time when only boys were allowed on the altar, there is great pride in watching their daughters serve priests.

92.   For purists, it was the equivalent of allowing joggers on the track at Churchill Downs before the Kentucky Derby.

93.   Freed of trapping responsibilities and allowed creativity on attack, the old Oilers scored four goals, three by Gretzky.

94.   Four games will be shown each Saturday on a regional basis, and no other games will be allowed on television while Fox is on the air.

95.   Garcetti said his office will not oppose a defense request Tuesday that Pratt be allowed out on bail.

96.   Giuliani has in fact, already begun setting out his lures, predicting that the general would win the state if he were allowed on the ballot.

97.   Golf clubs will not be allowed on road trips, unless there is an off day during the trip.

98.   Having been allowed on Monday by the Court of Appeals to stand, they said, it would likely become the law statewide over time.

99.   Graphing calculator programs are allowed on College Board examinations.

100.   He added that no one is allowed on the ice when the scoreboard is being lowered, which is done by remote control.

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