91.   The rebels want independence, hoping to unite predominantly ethnic Albanian villages in southern Serbia with Kosovo.

92.   The rebel Kosovo Liberation Army, meanwhile, says Serb police continue attacking ethnic Albanian villages to prevent refugees from returning to their homes.

93.   The rebel Kosovo Liberation Army, meanwhile, says Serb police continue attacking Albanian villages to prevent refugees from returning to their homes.

94.   The rebel Kosovo Liberation Army, meanwhile, says Serb police continue attacking and harassing Albanian villages to prevent refugees from returning to their homes.

95.   The team is in Kosovo to assess the destruction caused by NATO airstrikes and Serb raids on ethnic Albanian villages.

96.   The U.N. and International Red Cross say many refugees are afraid to return home because they believe Serb forces are still hidden in areas near ethnic Albanian villages.

97.   The U.N. war crimes tribunal trying Slobodan Milosevic heard testimony Thursday of Serb atrocities in Kosovo that left mutilated and naked bodies in piles in ethnic Albanian villages.

98.   The visit came at the end of a day of relative calm in the ethnic Albanian villages, which have been under attack for weeks.

99.   There are also reports of Serb paramilitaries terrorizing ethnic Albanian villages.

100.   Under the NATO pressure, Milosevic withdrew significant numbers of police and troops from the province and government attacks on ethnic Albanian villages had stopped.

a. + village >>共 1042
remote 5.37%
nearby 5.10%
small 4.88%
surrounding 2.54%
entire 2.01%
palestinian 2.00%
home 1.95%
tiny 1.90%
rural 1.88%
neighboring 1.78%
albanian 1.31%
albanian + n. >>共 642
rebel 9.83%
leader 6.93%
refugee 3.96%
border 3.15%
militant 3.14%
source 2.39%
guerrilla 2.29%
government 2.12%
minority 2.08%
separatist 2.06%
village 1.26%
每页显示:    共 105