91.   Yediot said Netanyahu also agreed to have the Palestinian policemen carry mini machine guns, while the previous agreement said they could only be armed with semi automatic rifles.

92.   However the agreement also says these two requirements do not necessarily have to be met at the same time.

93.   According to sources in Kabul, the agreement said the two sides would explore establishing a truly Islamic government in Afghanistan and setting up a national Islamic army.

94.   The partial agreement would have said which slower interceptors would be allowed.

95.   Russia promises to develop the social and democratic infrastructure of Sevastopol and other coastal towns where the fleet has bases, the agreement says.

96.   The agreement said this commitment would remain in force until the final ruling of the tribunal had been carried out.

97.   The agreement said military forces of both sides were to remain in their present positions until a more permanent truce.

n. + say >>共 480
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report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
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agreement 0.02%
agreement + v. >>共 391
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