91.   The agency is now trying to determine how close the voluntary system is to meeting the goal.

92.   The agency is trying to correct some flaws.

93.   The agency is trying to find something useful for the men to do.

94.   The agency is trying to modernize its equipment, a task that is complicated by the need to keep the air traffic system operating without interruption.

95.   The agency tried to remind local jails that these immigrants are not criminals and should be treated with dignity.

96.   The agency will try to conciliate the differences between the parties before considering further action, he said.

97.   The agency also tries to prevent disasters.

98.   The agency has tried to respond to criticism by pushing out into the periphery of emerging markets, to places in Africa and the former Soviet Union.

99.   The agency is also trying to obtain fresh vaccinia immune globulin, an official said.

100.   The agency is now trying to expand that capacity, they said.

n. + try >>共 892
government 5.31%
official 4.29%
company 4.14%
police 3.26%
people 1.95%
authority 1.87%
group 1.56%
investigator 1.56%
team 1.53%
leader 1.35%
agency 0.73%
agency + v. >>共 790
say 19.39%
be 6.25%
have 4.73%
report 1.79%
take 1.26%
give 1.21%
quote 1.09%
try 1.06%
plan 1.00%
make 0.96%
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