91.   A signed ad appeared in newspapers, with Arthur Miller, Nadine Gordimer and Amy Tan among the names.

92.   Ads appeared in magazines like People, TV Guide, Sports Illustrated, Motor Trend, Mademoiselle, and Rolling Stone.

93.   Ads appeared in student newspapers at schools such as Harvard, Princeton and Stanford.

94.   Ads frequently appear in magazines and billboards.

95.   DECS never heard from them again until the big ad appeared.

96.   Finally, women-only ads appeared.

97.   However, the ad appears to be an attempt by VW to improve its image in the midst of a fierce legal battle with General Motors.

98.   In fact a full-page Tylenol ad appears in a meeting newsletter, directly opposite an article announcing the study results.

99.   JAPAN Cigarette ads appear on TV, magazines and billboards, and can show people smoking cigarettes.

100.   KENYA Cigarette ads appear on TV and in newspapers in Kenya and throughout most areas of Africa with television.

n. + appear >>共 1545
man 1.42%
government 1.09%
side 1.01%
name 0.98%
official 0.98%
investor 0.88%
attack 0.71%
leader 0.59%
report 0.59%
move 0.59%
ad 0.47%
ad + v. >>共 511
be 20.80%
run 5.76%
show 5.28%
feature 4.58%
appear 4.07%
begin 2.32%
say 1.99%
have 1.85%
come 1.38%
make 1.35%
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