1.   Mobutu Sese Seko, the Zairian president, has prostate cancer and has been in Europe for months.

2.   The Zairian president was a longtime sponsor of the Hutu-led dictatorship that ruled in neighboring Rwanda.

3.   There has been some speculation that the Zairian president, Mobuto Sese Seko is using the deportations to wring more money from the international community.

4.   After landing at nearby Nice airport, the Zairian president arrived at the villa in a convoy of black Mercedes limousines escorted by French police.

5.   Ailing Zairian president arrives in France.

6.   Bill Richardson, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said after meeting Mobutu on Tuesday that the Zairian president has agreed to meet Kabila on Friday.

7.   Egypt has turned down a request from France and South Africa to grant asylum to former Zairian president Mobutu Sese Seko, a weekly magazine reported Friday.

8.   Hospitalized Zairian president is standing on his own, his son tells The Associated Press.

9.   Mobutu, now known as Mobutu Sese Seko, is the current Zairian president.

10.   Rebel leader Laurent Kabila announced Friday he would not attend peace talks with the ailing Zairian president until officials could guarantee his security.

a. + president >>共 409
former 19.74%
new 8.33%
first 3.61%
next 2.95%
russian 2.41%
american 2.02%
yugoslav 1.99%
the 1.85%
french 1.76%
current 1.71%
zairian 0.09%
zairian + n. >>共 154
rebel 15.18%
government 11.70%
troop 10.21%
soldier 9.65%
army 8.23%
official 3.69%
capital 2.84%
dictator 2.77%
authority 2.70%
leader 1.84%
president 1.35%
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