1.   A lasting peace requires the slate to be wiped clean.

2.   It would be nice if we could wipe the slate clean and start over.

3.   The kitchen had no rushes on the floor but the flagstones were scrubbed and wiped clean.

4.   Er, so you can wipe them clean if er, you use a special pen.

5.   Also one unpleasant memory wiped clean.

6.   And that slate has been wiped clean now that he has completed probation and regained all rights and privileges as a regular citizen.

7.   And the world flips, and the next day begins, and the slate is wiped clean.

8.   And when lawmakers from mainland China take Hong Kong back from England this summer, Lok worries it might all be wiped clean.

9.   As babies we squeal from the feel of a soiled diaper, as children we may cry until a sticky hand or face is wiped clean.

10.   As Texans, their slates have been wiped clean.

v. + clean >>共 23
keep 36.92%
wipe 22.58%
sweep 11.11%
scrub 6.81%
wash 4.30%
get 3.94%
scrape 3.58%
declare 1.79%
put 1.43%
leave 1.08%
wipe + a. >>共 7
clean 84.00%
dry 9.33%
frantically 1.33%
free 1.33%
prior 1.33%
slick 1.33%
special 1.33%
每页显示:    共 63