1.   And they will always be resented by white cops who feel they were cheated.

2.   A slow and inconclusive investigation by white cops might have been perceived as racially biased and could have created a political firestorm.

3.   Even the rogue white cop is rather likeable.

4.   Finally, Justice Joseph C. Teresi told the jury to walk in the shoes of the four white cops on the night of the Diallo slaying.

5.   In Pittsburgh, an all-white jury acquitted a white cop who suffocated an African-American man.

6.   Mannion is based on a white cop, and D.C., outside of its areas of privilege, is clearly predominantly populated by African-Americans.

7.   Showing up to hassle these black teen-agers are white cops, who seem to take excessive enjoyment in their work.

8.   Since the Williams death, African-American cop Michael Cox was beaten by white cops who thought he was a suspect.

9.   Soon Rawlins is hip deep in an urban swamp of dead bodies, racist white cops, lies and murky motives.

10.   The white cop is usually the seen-it-all veteran.

a. + cop >>共 323
bad 6.94%
good 5.40%
undercover 5.01%
corrupt 2.96%
former 2.57%
local 2.19%
top 2.06%
racist 2.06%
beat 1.93%
crooked 1.93%
white 1.93%
white + n. >>共 1100
man 4.44%
shirt 2.73%
woman 2.16%
wine 1.88%
people 1.57%
male 1.30%
powder 1.19%
farmer 1.18%
hair 1.05%
student 0.96%
cop 0.07%
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