1.   Later Friday, Powell toured the border area, where Israeli warplanes have blasted suspected guerrilla hideouts in southern Lebanon after Hezbollah fighters attacked Israeli outposts.

2.   Allied warplanes blasted fuel depots, oil refineries, roads and bridges in an intensive night of air raids across Yugoslavia.

3.   But Israeli warplanes have blasted Beirut power stations, cutting electricity to many neighborhoods.

4.   In what witnesses called the heaviest such strikes of the air campaign, U.S. warplanes blasted Taliban front lines in the north of Afghanistan.

5.   Israeli air force warplanes blasted a Syrian military radar in eastern Lebanon.

6.   Israel warplanes blasted a separate Gaza City security compound Sunday night near the offices of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

7.   Israeli warplanes blast a Palestinian guerrilla base south of Beirut on Sunday, killing three civilians.

8.   Israeli warplanes blasted a suspected guerrilla base in the same area on Sunday.

9.   Israeli warplanes blasted Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon Tuesday in response to guerrilla attacks that inflicted a number of casualties.

10.   Israeli warplanes blasted Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon Tuesday in response to guerrilla attacks that wounded at least six soldiers.

n. + blast >>共 300
warplane 11.78%
critic 3.30%
jet 3.19%
group 2.64%
music 2.64%
guerrilla 2.42%
gunship 2.42%
official 1.98%
rocket 1.87%
bomb 1.65%
warplane + v. >>共 193
attack 12.67%
bomb 12.22%
fire 6.69%
strike 5.53%
raid 5.08%
blast 4.42%
fly 4.00%
launch 3.10%
pound 2.93%
carry 2.89%
每页显示:    共 106