1.   Rape victims receive special counselling and are treated very sensitively.

2.   The victim received head injuries from which she died a week later.

3.   After paying, the victim either receives nothing or receives a prize that is inferior or grossly misrepresented.

4.   Charities have an obligation to tell potential donors what the victims will receive from other sources so the donors can decide who most needs their money, he explained.

5.   Democrats on the committee want to keep that requirement to insure that seriously injured accident victims receive adequate treatment.

6.   FEMA officials, who only Wednesday began sending teams to neighborhoods, would not estimate the amount of aid tornado victims might receive.

7.   Fourteen less seriously injured victims were receiving treatment at Houston or at Bay City-area hospitals.

8.   In establishing a victim compensation fund, the legislation sets no limits on the amount of money a victim can receive in economic damages and pain and suffering.

9.   Inmates also will be given literature on how to report sexual assaults, and victims will receive prompt medical and psychological treatment.

10.   It said that three smaller protests have taken place since in front of the provincial government office to demand that the victims receive compensation.

n. + receive >>共 1000
company 3.61%
police 1.98%
patient 1.72%
family 1.72%
worker 1.57%
group 1.47%
player 1.46%
child 1.45%
official 1.41%
people 1.41%
victim 0.33%
victim + v. >>共 596
be 39.14%
die 5.46%
include 5.40%
have 3.96%
suffer 2.37%
say 1.95%
come 1.29%
remain 0.92%
appear 0.74%
receive 0.71%
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