1.   Finally, that night the vessel would sail straight to its destination in Kuwait, arriving, all being well, at dawn.

2.   Becalmed, Constituton was towed home, and Royall believed the aging vessel would never sail again.

3.   By law only American vessels can sail between American ports.

4.   A search of the Gabrielle and questioning of the four crew members revealed that the vessel was sailing from Havana, Cuba.

5.   A South Korean navy vessel sailed out to escort the Russian ship.

6.   According to police, the French vessel Arethusa sailed from Port Elizabeth for Europe on Monday.

7.   All four vessels are sailing to Singapore before heading to the Middle East.

8.   Also Thursday, a third Spanish navy vessel was sailing for Newfoundland, where Canadian patrol boats have clashed with Spanish trawlers.

9.   Bellantone said officials were still trying to determine the nationality of the Ammoil, a freighter, and from where the vessel had sailed.

10.   North-bound vessels sail directly from Rio de Janeiro to New York while North European cargo will be transhipped, it said.

n. + sail >>共 236
ship 16.92%
ball 8.73%
boat 6.28%
vessel 3.96%
shot 3.82%
throw 2.73%
yacht 2.46%
ferry 1.77%
warship 1.77%
pitch 1.50%
vessel + v. >>共 350
be 20.61%
sink 4.42%
have 3.27%
carry 2.05%
sail 1.86%
leave 1.73%
go 1.66%
take 1.60%
fire 1.54%
arrive 1.41%
每页显示:    共 29