1.   A good varied diet and suitable water conditions are essential to make the best of this beautiful fish.

2.   A varied diet of earthworms, aquatic insects, shrimps, small fish and tablet foods will keep it in good health.

3.   Feed a varied diet which includes plenty of earthworms, prawns, mussels, fish and heart.

4.   Grain products, vegetables, and fruit are important parts of a varied diet.

5.   Mollies grow well on a varied diet.

6.   Provide your fish with a varied diet of worms, insects, and dried food.

7.   They are well fed, on a varied diet.

8.   While this is taking place they should be given plenty of nourishing food and a varied diet.

9.   We try to eat a more varied diet.

a. + diet >>共 448
steady 6.60%
healthy 5.65%
vegetarian 4.27%
special 3.42%
strict 3.17%
poor 2.88%
american 2.38%
daily 2.23%
normal 2.18%
elemental 2.13%
varied 1.09%
varied + n. >>共 345
background 3.28%
diet 3.01%
career 2.74%
group 2.19%
interest 1.92%
selection 1.64%
lot 1.50%
response 1.37%
range 1.23%
experience 1.23%
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