1.   And those who tried to use passports from other countries were stopped when their names were punched into computers and they were shown to have dual citizenship.

2.   And the inspector general found that the INS is not systematically collecting and reporting missing passport information so authorities can be alerted when someone uses a stolen passport.

3.   At least some of the suspected hijackers used purloined passports and even assumed the identities of others while they lived here.

4.   After all, the people who usually use these passports are not coming into Belgium to wreak havoc there.

5.   CIA managers were not comfortable with the idea of using foreign passports.

6.   George W. has not used his passport much as Texas governor.

7.   He used the passport to register at the hotel in Makhachkala after being delivered to the Dagestani capital by masked men who then released him there.

8.   However, Quan said Minns left the United States after an Irish court ordered officials to allow Minns to use the passport at least temporarily to enter Ireland.

9.   If the passports are not used to break U.S. laws, the spokeswoman said, the State Department considers them simply without value.

10.   Many radicals use false passports, and work from the same terror-training manuals, some of them adapted from CIA-supplied training materials used in Afghanistan.

v. + passport >>共 192
have 8.11%
carry 7.82%
hold 5.90%
confiscate 5.84%
surrender 5.72%
use 5.14%
issue 4.09%
obtain 3.21%
take 3.09%
get 2.80%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
passport 0.10%
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