1.   The unions are demanding better pay and conditions.

2.   The unions demanded the cancellation of the dismissal decision on condition that the workers would accept a proportionate wage cut.

3.   The city council decided it had to be cleaned up, the union demanded exceptional payments deadlock.

4.   Among other concessions, unions are demanding a bonus for employees who deal directly with the crush of visitors.

5.   An aggressive union has successfully demanded that teachers be well paid for putting up with poorly equipped schools and poorly prepared students.

6.   And he is expected to seek to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement without the protections demanded by unions.

7.   At the same time, the company is reluctant to give in to the pilots because it knows that the other unions will then demand an equally generous settlement.

8.   Bernstein said that if the program airs, the teachers union will demand equal access to time on the television station.

9.   But the response fell far short of what the union had been demanding, officials on both sides of the talks said.

10.   Further, the union had demanded that GM give the complex more parts to manufacture to keep new hires employed.

n. + demand >>共 1253
group 3.60%
rebel 2.85%
government 2.78%
leader 2.77%
official 2.33%
protester 2.26%
union 1.94%
investor 1.90%
worker 1.79%
student 1.69%
union + v. >>共 801
say 10.57%
be 9.05%
have 3.63%
want 3.55%
call 2.22%
demand 1.82%
agree 1.63%
threaten 1.58%
make 1.22%
seek 1.17%
每页显示:    共 148