1.   This treatment can reduce hot flushes and vaginal thinning and is also highly effective against osteoporosis.

2.   The prevalence of infection can be dramatically reduced by treatment of calves at three and six weeks of age preventing developing worms reaching patency.

3.   Although AZT therapy in pregnant women severely ill with HIV was not tested, new evidence suggests that AZT treatment will reduce transmission in this setting as well.

4.   Although the treatments reduced the number of bacteria, Taormina said, they were not totally effective.

5.   A new study finds that aggressive treatment significantly reduces the risk of bleeding.

6.   A study by the RAND Corp. calculated that, dollar for dollar, treatment reduces national drug consumption eight times as much as imprisonment.

7.   But the researchers cautioned that it does not necessarily follow that treatment reduces recidivism.

8.   By making AIDS into a chronic disease, treatment reduces the stigma and silence surrounding it.

9.   Laboratory tests also suggest that the treatment reduces red cell sickling and improves blood flow, he added.

10.   Less aggressive treatment may sometimes reduce the risk of injury, particularly in patients who have a good chance of getting well again.

n. + reduce >>共 1392
company 4.39%
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rate 1.64%
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plan 1.03%
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treatment 0.52%
treatment + v. >>共 341
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