1.   We elected to study only patients with disabling liquid stool incontinence and urgency where conventional medical treatment had already failed.

2.   This treatment is worth considering for other patients in a similar situation with life-threatening neutropenia or thrombocytopenia in whom conventional treatment has failed.

3.   And in all these cases, offenders are carefully screened to establish that other treatments have already failed.

4.   Aikman was still considering returning to the game early in the second half, but ice treatments failed to control the swelling and stiffness had begun to set in.

5.   But the treatment failed, and death is expected once the cancer reaches the heart, a source said.

6.   Doctors now are having better results using chemotherapy in new combinations, with hormone blocking drugs and with other compounds when other treatments fail.

7.   Drugs specific to dangerous pathogens could be saved for use when conventional treatments fail.

8.   Even the best treatments can fail, however.

9.   However, Sweet acknowledged that the treatments failed, inflicting severe brain tissue damage on George Heinrich and other patients.

10.   In two patients, treatment failed.

n. + fail >>共 1238
government 3.63%
effort 2.93%
talk 2.65%
company 2.31%
system 1.41%
official 1.36%
attempt 1.35%
negotiation 1.27%
team 1.20%
side 1.15%
treatment 0.25%
treatment + v. >>共 341
be 37.43%
work 4.39%
have 2.71%
include 2.64%
involve 1.83%
help 1.80%
begin 1.72%
make 1.57%
fail 1.53%
require 1.15%
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