1.   And psychiatric treatments consist these days primarily of drugs, psychotherapy, and shock treatments.

2.   Treatment consisted in giving blood transfusions over a number of hours.

3.   Treatment consisted of daily AA meetings and a work program, as well as contact with recovering alcoholic program staff.

4.   Treatment consists of giving anti-inflammatory injections.

5.   Treatment consists of sedation with haloperidol or other medication, prophylactic antibiotics, and rest.

6.   Treatment usually consists of removal of the tumour combined with drug treatment.

7.   Treatment consisted of combinations of CBS, metronidazole, or amoxicillin, or all three.

8.   Since both treatments consisted predominantly of evening primrose oil, we felt it reasonable to perform an analysis with the two active treatment groups combined.

9.   And because there is no effective remedy, treatment consists of helping people cope.

10.   Because hepatitis A is caused by a virus, treatment consists of addressing the symptoms, including diarrhea and dehydration, Gomez said.

n. + consist >>共 1044
group 4.33%
team 3.11%
system 1.29%
panel 1.06%
treatment 1.06%
device 1.02%
board 0.99%
meal 0.95%
commission 0.91%
diet 0.87%
treatment + v. >>共 341
be 37.43%
work 4.39%
have 2.71%
include 2.64%
involve 1.83%
help 1.80%
begin 1.72%
make 1.57%
fail 1.53%
require 1.15%
consist 1.07%
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