1.   And the hearings have concluded that the detainees are being treated fairly and within the bounds of the law, he said.

2.   But he reiterated the U.S. position that the detainees are being treated well.

3.   But these detainees are being treated differently.

4.   By monitoring the interrogations at Guantanamo, American officials should be able to guarantee that no foreign agent treats a detainee improperly, some legal experts said.

5.   If in fact the government is treating its detainees fairly, why not be more forthcoming?

6.   Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney have said it is enough that the detainees are being treated humanely.

7.   The inquiry would focus on how detainees were treated in holding centers in New Jersey and New York.

8.   Possibly to avert a diplomatic backlash, Chinese authorities took the unusual step of issuing a statement saying they had treated the detainees humanely.

9.   President George W. Bush has brushed aside the criticism, saying the detainees are being treated humanely.

10.   Americans treat the detainees under Geneva Convention rules for enemy prisoners of war.

v. + detainee >>共 165
release 12.15%
hold 8.54%
treat 5.78%
free 3.73%
visit 3.37%
identify 2.77%
take 2.53%
torture 2.29%
interrogate 2.17%
send 1.93%
treat + n. >>共 888
patient 6.34%
people 6.04%
disease 3.08%
victim 2.09%
child 2.08%
woman 1.84%
case 1.34%
man 1.29%
cancer 1.24%
condition 0.99%
detainee 0.46%
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