1.   Economic transnational practices Economic transnational practices are economic practices that transcend national boundaries.

2.   Its significance transcends the boundaries of the United States, for it offers a lesson and example to peoples throughout the world.

3.   Many of the partnerships transcended school district boundaries because companies operate regionally, but they all had strong community roots.

4.   The functional qualities of a product are very much the same everywhere and transcend most boundaries.

5.   Economic transnational practices are economic practices that transcend national boundaries.

6.   Anti-death penalty activists, however, say the issues transcend political boundaries.

7.   As singer, dancer and purely regal stage presence, Hua Wenyi is a knockout, an artist whose star power easily transcends cultural boundaries.

8.   After two years of studies, the Eastern states are facing federal pressure to solve air pollution problems that transcend regional boundaries.

9.   But Mantle transcended geographical boundaries.

10.   But this is a problem that transcends state boundaries, requiring a tough, consistent national approach.

v. + boundary >>共 242
draw 7.24%
cross 6.98%
push 5.41%
hit 5.32%
set 3.75%
know 3.49%
redraw 3.23%
mark 3.14%
transcend 2.79%
define 2.53%
transcend + n. >>共 305
boundary 5.07%
politics 5.07%
sport 4.44%
border 2.54%
time 2.22%
race 2.06%
difference 1.90%
game 1.58%
division 1.27%
loyalty 1.11%
每页显示:    共 32