1.   At the beginning of each year a timetable is prepared and each year group follows a clearly defined, predetermined curriculum.

2.   There was no timetable for elections.

3.   It is suggested that if the timetable is important the draftsman should provide expressly that time is to be of the essence.

4.   Secondly, the draftsman may ensure that the two timetables are not interrelated.

5.   If the landlord is not required to serve a notice in order to initiate the review, then no fixed timetable will be necessary.

6.   Timetables should be co-ordinated to meet the needs of the public, and not the whims or selfishness of individuals or groups within the transport industry.

7.   The delays caused by such action can have considerable impact on services because the integrated railway timetable is very susceptible to disruption.

8.   There should be a timetable at sometime.

9.   Also in contention were timetables for further Israeli troop withdrawals from occupied Arab areas.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
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company 0.71%
result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
timetable 0.02%
timetable + v. >>共 77
be 69.43%
call 2.18%
have 1.75%
slip 1.75%
allow 1.31%
elude 1.09%
depend 1.09%
agree 0.87%
exist 0.87%
hold 0.87%
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