1.   Sales, independent for each of the four brands, operate out of new design studios, showrooms and offices.

2.   After a hearing last week, the panel voted unanimously that the six brands are safe and effective when used to prevent pregnancy after intercourse.

3.   All the panelists agreed that this was much sweeter than the other brands, but some thought kids would probably like it.

4.   But one panelist liked its character, and another thought it was less sweet and easier to drink than the other brands.

5.   For the uninitiated, choosing from the numerous brands on a supermarket shelf can be as daunting as choosing a wine from a Parisian supermarket.

6.   How do experts say the two brands are faring in the public eye?

7.   In making the pastry, there was little noticeable difference in the three brands of butter, although it appeared that the Straus butter blended into the dough quicker.

8.   Like the other brands, panelists were divided on this lasagna.

9.   Most Taiwanese saws, which will be the bulk of the other brands priced comparably to these, suffer chiefly from relatively lax quality control.

10.   Of the five brands they tasted, only one really appealed to them.

a. + brand >>共 748
new 5.21%
different 2.99%
popular 2.22%
national 2.15%
strong 2.07%
well-known 2.00%
major 1.93%
same 1.89%
foreign 1.78%
leading 1.60%
the 1.49%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
brand 0.04%
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