1.   All businesses were examined except those where the technical complexity was too great to be understood by central corporate staff.

2.   But perhaps the biggest challenge and one that receives little attention is the enormous technical complexity of the Internet.

3.   Considering the technical complexities required, televised science fiction has frequently earned less than proportionately balanced critical response.

4.   Numerous surveys show how poorly equipped students are to enter a work force that faces increasing technical complexity and intensifying competition.

5.   This legal and political advantage is balanced by the higher order of technical complexity involved in exploiting sulphide ores.

6.   Indian officials said that the lack of greater progress had stemmed from the technical complexity of the problem.

7.   But there is a fourth major avenue of current research which, for reasons of its technical complexity, cannot be covered in this book.

8.   And the cost and technical complexity of a nationwide two-way network to relay signals could hamper full adoption.

9.   A wild card for both sides is the technical complexity at the heart of the case.

10.   Confronted with all the choices and potential technical complexity, some travelers may decide the wisest plan is simply to take a vacation from technology.

a. + complexity >>共 235
increasing 5.87%
growing 3.33%
technical 3.33%
political 2.54%
great 2.54%
added 2.35%
enormous 2.35%
sheer 2.15%
additional 1.57%
emotional 1.57%
technical + n. >>共 977
problem 7.30%
assistance 4.54%
support 3.86%
factor 2.12%
skill 2.08%
expertise 1.90%
reason 1.82%
issue 1.69%
expert 1.67%
detail 1.60%
complexity 0.17%
每页显示:    共 17