1.   Target customers include the regional Bell operating companies, independent phone companies, and network software suppliers.

2.   And even PrimeStar backers acknowledge that it mostly targets customers living in areas otherwise unserved by cable.

3.   At a time when bankers generally considered marketing beneath them, Volk marketed Union aggressively to those target customers.

4.   Because the Commander uses hands-free technology, Lazay and Roth see their target customers as the elderly and handicapped.

5.   Both Foo and Kirkpatrick say their strategies depend on market research, with careful spending to provide the level of service their target customers want.

6.   Good target customers for IBM and Apple are those companies currently running a hodgepodge of different machines and operating systems, a fairly common situation in the corporate world.

7.   Her target customer is herself.

8.   His target customers will be retailers and financial institutions.

9.   His target customers, he says, are traditional companies.

10.   Target customers tend to be younger than those who shop other discount chains.

n. + customer >>共 533
business 15.31%
bank 7.54%
retail 5.56%
phone 3.63%
telephone 2.72%
airline 2.38%
cable 2.32%
target 1.25%
brokerage 1.19%
electricity 1.13%
target + n. >>共 383
audience 10.34%
practice 8.30%
company 6.43%
area 4.84%
market 4.23%
rate 4.18%
list 4.01%
range 3.02%
group 2.97%
level 2.09%
customer 1.21%
每页显示:    共 22