1.   In spite of a Soviet offer of a mutual end to arms supplies, the USA continued to supply military aid to UNITA.

2.   Meanwhile, some relief organizations now refuse to supply humanitarian aid to camps controlled by Hutu militiamen.

3.   Other countries have suggested that they may also be willing to supply military aid to Cambodia.

4.   Shalala said the Catholic agency is ready to supply preliminary aid even before a master plan by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees kicks into gear.

5.   Still to be resolved is the issue of helping rebuild the Yugoslav province, as well as supplying economic aid to the entire region.

6.   The Americans were neutral, but they were supplying aid to the Allies and denying it to the Axis.

7.   Then the debate turned on whether the United States should supply food aid to a Marxist Ethiopia in the grip of drought and resulting famine.

8.   A four-nation humanitarian initiative to supply aid to Kosovo is to end within the next two months, the Swiss foreign minister said Wednesday.

9.   Islamabad says it supports their cause without supplying material aid.

10.   It said the privatization contract made it appear that the German government was supplying operating aid, which is frowned on, in contrast to investment aid.

v. + aid >>共 524
provide 8.92%
receive 6.01%
send 3.74%
distribute 3.51%
deliver 3.45%
give 3.40%
offer 2.79%
seek 2.73%
get 2.61%
suspend 2.45%
supply 0.52%
supply + n. >>共 1240
information 3.66%
water 3.28%
equipment 2.28%
electricity 2.12%
power 1.83%
part 1.74%
weapon 1.63%
product 1.47%
troop 1.41%
arm 1.39%
aid 0.72%
每页显示:    共 32