1.   All applications must be submitted by Monday.

2.   The club have submitted an application for outline planning permission to Glasgow District Council following extensive feasibility studies.

3.   The request was made even before an application was submitted for a liquor license.

4.   You will have to submit an application for an export licence.

5.   Your passport application should be submitted well in advance of your departure.

6.   You have to submit your application before the end of the month.

7.   He submitted an application for admission to the school.

8.   The application should be submitted through the department in which the candidate wishes to study.

9.   The application may be submitted at any time and the examination is normally arranged within a few weeks.

10.   They intend to submit funding applications to the Global Environment Facility.

v. + application >>共 469
reject 6.91%
have 5.90%
submit 5.87%
file 5.80%
approve 4.03%
make 3.77%
accept 3.20%
process 3.02%
withdraw 2.78%
consider 2.50%
submit + n. >>共 490
report 8.27%
proposal 7.79%
resignation 6.13%
bid 6.11%
plan 5.26%
application 4.20%
bill 2.55%
list 1.97%
name 1.97%
request 1.86%
每页显示:    共 225