1.   It was too late by this time to stop the presses rolling, and the first editions had already been despatched.

2.   An injunction imposes prior restraint, by stopping presses from rolling and film from running.

3.   Threats by angry complainants and their solicitors to stop the presses with eleventh-hour injunctions are largely bluff.

4.   College kids going to bars after a big game is not exactly the stuff which stops the presses.

5.   Early Wednesday morning, the Chronicle presses were stopped to fix a faulty fact.

6.   It was stop the presses.

7.   Milton Bradley is not a guy you stop the presses for.

8.   None of this information is cause for stopping the presses, but they gain weight when you pack his accomplishments into one space.

9.   No need to stop the presses to report that news, either.

v. + press >>共 306
meet 8.70%
muzzle 4.35%
use 2.96%
get 2.87%
tell 2.77%
stop 2.47%
brief 2.37%
control 2.27%
accuse 2.08%
keep 2.08%
stop + n. >>共 1227
car 3.21%
attack 3.20%
violence 2.50%
fight 1.86%
work 1.65%
people 1.50%
traffic 1.18%
flow 1.15%
run 1.13%
vehicle 1.12%
press 0.15%
每页显示:    共 25