1.   Church had effectively stemmed the flood of artists.

2.   The General Manager is inside it, in a wetsuit, trying to stem the flood.

3.   The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida.

4.   In mid-October the Bank of England raised its discount rate -- a belated attempt to stem the flood of credit it had itself created.

5.   Then she dropped her face into her hands, unable to stem the flood of tears a second longer.

6.   But thus far it has been more of an irritant for the aliens than a deterrent to stem the flood.

7.   Can CBS or any network stem the flood of viewers heading toward that cable party?

8.   Experience, McCaffrey said, has shown that efforts to stem the flood of illegal drugs through interdiction efforts will not work.

9.   If anything, it should have been calming the winds and stemming the floods.

v. + flood >>共 204
cause 9.91%
stem 4.62%
trigger 4.17%
bring 4.05%
receive 3.38%
prevent 3.15%
follow 3.04%
unleash 2.82%
produce 2.48%
fear 2.36%
stem + n. >>共 296
flow 14.58%
tide 9.43%
loss 5.95%
violence 4.41%
decline 3.88%
spread 3.28%
flood 2.74%
slide 2.21%
inflation 2.07%
rise 1.67%
每页显示:    共 41