1.   A staff meeting is held to clarify what the plan is for and to outline the procedures to be adopted.

2.   He inherited a regular staff meeting and was penitent that he had never invented such a meeting in Durham.

3.   Some time soon there will be a staff meeting you are required to attend.

4.   Staff meetings are held twice a month.

5.   Staff meetings take place once a week.

6.   The earlier staff meeting had shown that journalists would not work under Sutton.

7.   The staff meeting is the theatre for celebrating heroes, improving self-image and boosting morale.

8.   The weekly staff meeting is where the message that Marketing is a priority is hammered home.

n. + meeting >>共 825
summit 12.07%
board 8.31%
two-day 4.58%
team 4.56%
policy 3.65%
weekend 2.70%
week 2.25%
morning 2.04%
business 2.02%
staff 1.92%
staff + n. >>共 569
member 42.04%
writer 15.06%
meeting 3.14%
reduction 1.57%
cut 1.54%
training 0.98%
ace 0.86%
director 0.85%
reporter 0.85%
shortage 0.83%
每页显示:    共 185