1.   The reservoirs are filled to the brim after the spring floods.

2.   The plain floods every spring.

3.   A spring flood as disastrous as the one now inundating the Midwest strikes only once a century.

4.   But an innovative restoration effort has taken advantage of two winters of abundant snowfall and spring floods to bring hundreds of thousands of trees back to this long-suffering river.

5.   But that left tons of ooze with the consistency of peanut butter poised to enter the river system with the spring floods.

6.   Levees built to protect New Orleans from spring floods have kept the river from depositing alluvial soil and rebuilding the lowlands.

7.   Later, as he toured Watertown, where hundreds of homes were damaged by spring floods, Daschle continued to check on his constituents.

8.   Shea spoke of the BLM people in Idaho who volunteered their time to help during the spring floods, as an example of what he means.

9.   Some support also came from speculation that heavy snowfall in the Northern Plains would increase the risk of spring floods and hamper the shipment of grain.

10.   Something about the way it sparkles when the spring floods are a memory.

n. + flood >>共 77
summer 16.74%
spring 12.13%
monsoon 7.95%
refugee 7.11%
year 7.11%
stream 2.93%
weekend 2.93%
winter 2.93%
jam 2.09%
river 2.09%
spring + n. >>共 1442
training 29.03%
practice 3.17%
day 1.94%
season 1.65%
election 1.32%
rain 1.29%
water 1.16%
game 1.04%
weather 1.00%
collection 0.86%
flood 0.34%
每页显示:    共 29