1.   An official orthodoxy based on Neo-Confucian doctrines emphasized the preservation of order and maintenance of social hierarchy.

2.   But the number of those who compromised their faith was largest among the propertied and those well up in the social hierarchy.

3.   In sum, conservatism attempts to prevent or slow the transition away from a society based on traditional values and social hierarchy.

4.   In the social hierarchy, these lords of big business were the equivalent of the daimyos of the past with their clans.

5.   Mortality rates among the adult working population parallel the progressive incidence of illness that occurs as one moves down the social hierarchy.

6.   Such disparities predated the imposition of a rigid social hierarchy, but became more Marked during the course of the Tokugawa period.

7.   The social hierarchy was determined by birth and sanctioned by religion.

8.   These quite explicitly linked vocational education with the low status black people were expected to occupy in the social hierarchy.

9.   These two factors act together to create and reproduce social hierarchy.

10.   This unequal but in general legitimated social hierarchy had depended on a healthy capitalist economy and benign, prosperous welfare State.

a. + hierarchy >>共 222
church 15.62%
catholic 7.09%
party 6.96%
social 3.94%
military 3.28%
corporate 3.15%
roman_catholic 3.02%
ruling 2.10%
clerical 1.71%
rigid 1.71%
social + n. >>共 797
issue 4.47%
program 4.21%
welfare 3.22%
unrest 2.97%
problem 2.90%
life 2.21%
justice 1.99%
policy 1.93%
change 1.83%
conservative 1.47%
hierarchy 0.17%
每页显示:    共 30