1.   If only a single copy is needed then it is logical to produce it on the page printer.

2.   Single copies free.

3.   The ink on paper process is still essential if you intend to produce quantities rather than single copies.

4.   When being sold through a bookshop in single copies, they would, she said, be more profitably sold net.

5.   For each document, there are at once a single copy and a million copies.

6.   In contrast to single copy probes, the number of loci and their positions for multi-locus probes are usually unknown.

7.   All will be sold online as electronic books or in single copies printed on demand, but they will not be shipped to bookstores.

8.   An additional one out of five whites has inherited a single copy of the gene.

a. + copy >>共 520
free 3.38%
pirated 3.00%
illegal 2.83%
backup 2.72%
good 2.23%
single 2.23%
digital 2.23%
original 1.91%
new 1.80%
exact 1.74%
single + n. >>共 1203
currency 9.33%
mother 2.83%
day 1.46%
digit 1.43%
parent 1.29%
woman 1.11%
layer 1.01%
market 0.96%
shot 0.90%
run 0.90%
copy 0.18%
每页显示:    共 41