1.   Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.

2.   Apart from the inferior quality of the recording, other tell tale signs include the lack of an age classification label and no hologram on the back cover.

3.   Bird likes that the crude sign includes a stapled page from the ballot instructions.

4.   Less common warning signs include stomach pain, nausea or dizziness, shortness of breath, unexplained anxiety or fatigue, palpitations, cold sweat or paleness.

5.   More serious signs include fluid retention in the ankles and abdomen, confusion, increased risk of bleeding, intestinal bleeding.

6.   More severe signs include excessive darkening and the loosening of veneer.

7.   Other common signs include frequent physical complaints, like stomachaches and headaches, excessive worrying or guilt over minor mistakes, sleep disturbances, and undue fatigue.

8.   Other parts of the legislation would eliminate current federal requirements that highway signs include metric measurements and that states use recycled scrap tire rubber in asphalt pavements.

9.   Other signs include accumulations of moisture and excessive condensation on walls or windows.

10.   Other signs include a fever, a toothache or a headache that gets worse when you lean over.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
sign 0.08%
sign + v. >>共 417
be 78.35%
point 1.84%
emerge 1.13%
come 0.96%
appear 0.96%
warn 0.69%
indicate 0.63%
say 0.63%
go 0.55%
abound 0.54%
include 0.41%
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