1.   In addition to these signs of affective psychosis Kempe also showed features of schizophrenia, notably hallucinations, occurring in several modalities.

2.   Particular examples which show these features are Mechelen and Brussels Cathedrals and the churches of S. Jean, Louvain and S. Jean and Notre Dame in Mechelen.

3.   Histology of the liver showed features of biliary obstruction with fibrous portal expansion, bile ductular proliferation, cholestasis, and occasional bile infarcts.

4.   Operative biopsy specimens showed features of chronic pancreatitis with fibrosis and chronic inflammation in the retroperitoneal extrapancreatic area but no evidence of neoplasia.

5.   Because of the similarities between the two subgroups in group A, they are hereafter referred to as one group.

6.   Although not showing these features, the colonic and rectal biopsies from our patient showed changes unlike those usually seen in idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease.

7.   All specimens of colon and ileum showed similar features.

8.   Also, the changes in smooth muscle cells consisted of a range of phenotypic alterations including forms showing features consistent with myofibroblast differentiation.

9.   NBC also altered its format by carrying more events and showing fewer features.

10.   Photographs from the Viking missions fanned imaginations when they showed a geologic feature resembling a giant simian face.

v. + feature >>共 412
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show 0.74%
show + n. >>共 1032
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