1.   Fiery gold and orange trees shed leaves which drifted down before a bright blue sky.

2.   Inadequate light produces weak plants which shed their leaves very regularly.

3.   Most trees shed their leaves in the autumn.

4.   The trees were starting to shed their leaves.

5.   When they shed leaves because of drought, trees do not usually bother with all the razzmatazz of colouring them beforehand.

6.   The trees have all shed their leaves.

7.   He shed his leaves to cover her.

8.   Winter came and the Daurog shed their leaves.

v. + leaf >>共 379
use 4.15%
have 3.29%
remove 2.90%
eat 2.82%
take 2.74%
rake 2.59%
cancel 2.35%
shed 2.27%
lose 2.27%
drop 2.27%
shed + n. >>共 448
light 34.28%
tear 11.71%
image 2.76%
job 2.43%
worker 2.35%
blood 2.15%
business 1.78%
pound 1.58%
weight 1.38%
leaf 1.18%
每页显示:    共 29